We are the Girls Club

we are the
In a

Club who
Love meeting
Under Grandma's kitchen, in her

Friday, August 27, 2010


We'll all make mailboxes and put letters into them for each other.

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Beach excitement

SOOOO excited 2 come 2 the beach next weekend! Make sure 2 have your door hanger and dance prepared!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010


if we dont want to use costumes we can just tape a sign to our shirt that says our characters name

What a world play

Make sure 2 practice ur lines and actions 4 the what a world play and i'll make sure 2 bring the costumes!

Door hangers

U know those door hangers we have at the beach? This task is 2 make 1 door hanger 4 our room 2 get the ideas flowing. Please only do 1 so we can do the rest at the beach. Think of something like:
Girls club meeting,
We're sleeping,
or only kids aloud.
If you have more than 1 idea, MAKE A LIST of ideas for door hangers, (i will) and we'll make them at the beach!

Monday, August 2, 2010

30-second dance!

Hi every1! Your task is 2 create a 30-second dance 2 any song 2 present at the beach in 2 weeks. You can have a planned dance or make up one on the spot! Have the song on a CD, iPod, or computer. People who make this dance get a game made up with them as the star!

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Girls club tasks!

hello girls who read this blog,
i have a task for u... i have a quiz and u must have the right answers by the time i c u. u may ask anyone questions except for me. ok here is the quiz about me
first how old was i when i broke my arm?
how old was i when i liked the name ava?
how old was i when i started liking the jonas brothers and then slowly didnt.( two ages as in when i liked it and when i didnt )
what is my first stuffed animals name?
what u can do is right ur answers to the question on a paper and the questions right down then the next time we c eachother ( the beach) u will show me .
hope u have a nice night and sarah btw i want more then just us to b followers!