We are the Girls Club

we are the
In a

Club who
Love meeting
Under Grandma's kitchen, in her

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Girls club tasks!

hello girls who read this blog,
i have a task for u... i have a quiz and u must have the right answers by the time i c u. u may ask anyone questions except for me. ok here is the quiz about me
first how old was i when i broke my arm?
how old was i when i liked the name ava?
how old was i when i started liking the jonas brothers and then slowly didnt.( two ages as in when i liked it and when i didnt )
what is my first stuffed animals name?
what u can do is right ur answers to the question on a paper and the questions right down then the next time we c eachother ( the beach) u will show me .
hope u have a nice night and sarah btw i want more then just us to b followers!

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